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Sparks Residence

Status: Completed 2014
Client: Private

The Sparks residence in the new Perry Lakes development, is a contemporary four bed room home nestled in impressive surroundings that reflect on a modern style representative of the British Empire and Commonwealth Games that occurred on the site in 1962.


The house demonstrates passive solar design principals using sun shading canopies to reduce summer solar heat gain. There is also an underground rain water tank.
The kitchen, living and dining room form part of an open plan common space that connects to a deck and pool area on the northern aspect and a front porch to the east.


A study, cloak roam, bathroom and laundry / scullery articulate the eastern part of the Ground floor plan and connect via the service courtyard to the two car garage and a single adjacent carport.

The upper floor contains an open plan study with void over as well as three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of which services the Master bedroom as an Ensuite and walk in robe. The materials used were selected from a specific matrix, that adhered to the design guidelines checklist of the Estate Architect, in keeping with ‘a minimalist / Bauhaus aesthetic’.


The Sparks residence was designed complete with a self contained studio bedsitter at the rear of the site that allows for separate lock and leave access.


17/210 Bagot Road, Subiaco 6008 WA

Tel 08 9388 1591, Mob 0408 080 462

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© 2022 by Peter Hobbs Architects.

Peter Hobbs Architects respectfully acknowledges that we are working on the traditional land of the Whadjuk Noongar people. We pay our respects to Elders all past and present.

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