Victoria Park Childcare
Status: In Construction
Client: Fini Developments

This exciting new project located on the renowned Albany Highway streetscape will be a fun addition to the Town of Victoria Park. The quirky nature of the angled façade that alludes to the roof, does not jut out from the streetscape but instead makes for an exciting legible entry. The most notable element of the building’s street frontage is the green wall – creating a liminal threshold between the private and public realm as it welcomes early learners into the vicinity.
The playful nature of the different window openings encourages activation and passive surveillance, eliminating opportunities for concealment. As one approaches the activated façade, they are greeted with different fenestrations that encourages passersby to look inside and see what lies behind the jungle wall.
Surrounding the child care is public transport, educational facilities and residential developments are all within walking distance, improving the day-to-day wellbeing of users, and reducing carbon emissions. With multiple public functions within a small radius, children attending the childcare will easily transition to surrounding schools as they grow up with a sense of familiarity and community.​​